Thank You!

Congratulations! You have taken the first step. We will be in touch soon.

Thank You!

Congratulations! You have taken the first step. We will be in touch soon.

An Admissions Representative will be contacting you soon to help answer your questions and to provide more information on the programs available at South Texas Vocational Technical Institute.

Our goal is to provide you with a high quality education that delivers valuable career skills, to prepare you for work and life after graduation. Central to that mission is our philosophy of individualized attention for every student, throughout the educational process – from the first day of class, to career placement and beyond.


The reason why I chose STVT was, of course, like anybody else – to benefit my future and to work hard for my children. It appealed to me because I was able to work hands-on and that’s the kind of learner that I am.


Maria “Crystal” Esquivel, Comb. Welding Grad., May 2017, San Antonio Campus

Career Services was outstanding at STVT. The school has a good rapport with a lot of these companies – so these companies are more often willing to work with the school and to take on students because they know the quality of education that we receive here at STVT.


Joshua Paul Barajas, HVAC Grad., May 2017, San Antonio Campus

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